Woman’s case over alleged workplace bullying struck out

Postal worker had claimed An Post failed to address bullying linked to ‘gay rumours’

Claire Stephens (56), a married mother who worked in the Galway Mail Sorting Office, claimed the alleged bullying took place over a number of years

A former postal sorting worker’s High Court action alleging she was bullied arising out of “gay rumours” has been struck out.

Claire Stephens (56), a married mother who worked in the Galway Mail Sorting Office, claimed the alleged bullying took place over a number of years and culminated in a pornographic postcard being left on her sorting bench.

She said she became distressed by innuendo and rumours in her workplace.

She was suing An Post for personal injuries arising out of the alleged bullying, which she said the company failed to deal with properly.


When the case was due to resume on Thursday, Lorraine Lally BL, for Ms Stephens, told Mr Justice Charles Meenan her client had asked that the case be struck out with no order.

Mr Justice Meenan granted the strike out request.