Woman who says she fell over hotel’s ornamental lion settles action

Position of decorative statue an issue in case

Joyce Mills from Clonshaugh Woods, Dublin, leaving the Four Courts on Tuesday after she settled her High Court action. Photograph: Collins

A woman who claimed she fell over an ornamental lion on a pathway at a luxury hotel while attending a wedding reception has settled her High Court action on undisclosed terms.

Joyce Mills (45) suffered a fracture to her lower leg, has been left with scarring and was eleven weeks off work after the accident at the four-star Cabra Castle Hotel in Kingscourt, Co Cavan, her counsel, Pat O'Connell SC, said when opening her case on Tuesday.

On Wednesday, counsel told Mr Justice Anthony Barr the case was settled and could be struck out.

Ms Mills, Clonshaugh Woods, Dublin, sued Kingscourt Castle Ltd trading as Cabra Castle Hotel as a result of the fall on October 23rd, 2011. She claimed a dangerous tripping hazard was created and there was no, or no adequate lighting, around the black statue.


As a result of the accident, she claimed she has been affected in her everyday activities and her enjoyment of life has been severely diminished.

The hotel denied the claims and pleaded contributory negligence on Ms Mills’s behalf in allegedly failing to look where she was walking.

Mr O’Connell said an issue in the case concerned the position of the 22-inch high decorative lion on the night of the incident.