Man accused of having loaded gun on train faces non-jury trial

Ciaran Ryan (23) charged with possessing semi-automatic pistol on Dublin to Belfast line

Ciaran Ryan (23) is alleged to have been in possession of a loaded semi-automatic pistol at Connolly Station in Dublin on July 19th last. Photograph: Nick Bradshaw.

A man accused of carrying a loaded gun on a Dublin to Belfast train will be tried at the non-jury Special Criminal Court.

Ciaran Ryan (23), with an address at Summerhill, Dublin 1, was charged at Dublin District Court in July with three firearms offences. These were possession of a CZ model semi-automatic pistol with two rounds of 7.65 Browning calibre ammunition and one shotgun cartridge. The offences are alleged to have happened at Connolly Station on July 19th last.

The Special Criminal Court heard that the State was making an application to try the accused man at the three-judge, non-jury court.

In certain cases, the DPP can certify that in his or her opinion the ordinary courts are inadequate to secure the effective administration of justice.


Mr Justice Tony Hunt, presiding with Judge Sinéad Ní­ Chúlacháin and Judge James Faughnan, made the order, directing that Mr Ryan be tried before the Special Criminal Court.

Mr Ryan’s co-accused, Nikita Murtagh (20), from Mariners Port, Sheriff Street, Dublin 1, who is charged with the same offence, has also been returned for trial to the same court.