Supreme Court to deliver judgment today in Angela Kerins appeal

Former Rehab CEO took case over her treatment before Dáil Public Accounts Committee

Angela Kerins, pictured arriving at the Four Courts last year during her Supreme Court action. Photograph: Collins Courts

A seven judge Supreme Court will give judgment on Wednesday on an appeal by former Rehab CEO Angela Kerins concerning her treatment before the Dáil Public Accounts Committee.

The appeal raises important issues concerning the constitutional separation of powers and the courts’ ability to intervene in proceedings of Oireachtas Committees.

Ms Kerins went to the Supreme Court after the High Court rejected her challenge over her treatment at two Dáil Public Accounts Committee hearings into payments to Rehab.

The PAC’s appeal against the High Court’s decision directing it to pay Ms Kerins’ estimated €700,000 costs of the case there, plus the State’s appeal over an order requiring it to pay its own costs, will be dealt with after the Supreme Court has given judgment.

Mary Carolan

Mary Carolan

Mary Carolan is the Legal Affairs Correspondent of the Irish Times