Teenager (18) charged with sexual abuse of two young girls

Boy was 17 at time of alleged offence, is charged with defilement and sexual assault

The DPP has directed trial on indictment, meaning the case is too serious for the Children’s Court. File photograph: Dave Meehan/The Irish Times

A youth has been charged with sexually abusing two young girls in Dublin.

The 18-year-old, who cannot be named for legal reasons, appeared at the Dublin Children’s Court on Thursday.

He was charged with defilement by engaging in oral sex with two girls under the age of 15 years in south Dublin between May and October 2019.

He is also accused of three counts of sexually assaulting one girl and two charges of sexual assault of the second girl, at various locations, including two parks, in 2019.


He was aged 17, a juvenile, at the time.

The Director of Public Prosecutions has directed trial on indictment meaning his case is too serious to be heard in the Children's Court.

He was remanded on bail to appear again in May to be served with a book of evidence by the prosecution.

He can then be returned for trial to the circuit court.

Bail conditions were set requiring him to surrender his passport and not to apply for new travel documents.

Judge Brendan Toale warned him that he cannot have any contact with prosecution witnesses.

The youth, represented by solicitor Brian Keenan, was granted legal aid. He has not yet indicated how he will plead.