Teenager accused of attempted murder changes plea to guilty

Tadhg Costello (18) attacked Josh Leahy at Johnson’s Court in Dublin, trial heard

Tadhg Costello, of Richmond Hill, Monkstown, arriving at court, where he changed his plea to guilty. Photograph: Collins Courts.

A teenager accused of attempting to murder a 17-year-old has changed his plea to guilty during his Central Criminal Court trial.

Tadhg Costello (18) of Richmond Hill, Monkstown, south Co Dublin, had pleaded not guilty to the attempted murder of Josh Leahy at Johnson's Court in Dublin city on May 31st, 2012.

He had also pleaded not guilty to assault causing harm to Mr Leahy and unlawful possession of a knife on the same date.

Last week the jury heard how Mr Leahy was stabbed six times in the back after he left a nightclub on South William Street, Dublin 2. He suffered a collapsed lung and had a chest drain inserted at St James’s Hospital.


Paul Burns SC, prosecuting, told the court on day five of the trial yesterday that Costello could be rearraigned on the attempted murder charge and the accused pleaded guilty.

Decision by judge
Mr Burns told the court that the other two counts would be taken into consideration.

Mr Justice Paul Butler told the jury the plea was accepted. It came following a decision by the judge after two days of legal argument over the admissibility of Costello's Garda interview recordings.

The court heard that there was no objection to the accused remaining on bail andthe judge remanded Costello on continuing surety and will sentence him on March 7th.