Teenager who dragged garda to floor by her hair avoids jail

Woman was 16 when she viciously attacked Garda Aoife Moroney at Mountjoy station

The young woman – now aged 18 – had pleaded guilty at the Dublin Children’s Court to assault causing harm to Garda Aoife Moroney at Mountjoy Garda station. Photograph: Frank Miller

A girl, who lunged at a garda and dragged her to the floor by her hair during a vicious attack in a Dublin station, has been spared a custodial sentence.

Then aged 16, she had been missing from care when she attacked a garda who was trying to help her get back to her accommodation.

The young woman – now aged 18, but who cannot be named for legal reasons – had pleaded guilty at the Dublin Children's Court to assault causing harm to Garda Aoife Moroney at Mountjoy Garda station.

After the attack, Garda Moroney suffered pains in her back, chest and arms and had some bruising. She suffered headaches, and pins and needles around the area where her head had been pulled.


She said she had nightmares and her family are now constantly worried about her. She had also said she remains extra cautious dealing with young people.


Judge John O’Connor noted the defendant had been co-operating with the Probation Service, which had furnished the court with a positive report on her. A letter of apology from her had also been handed in to court. He bound her to the peace for 12 months.

Damian McKeone BL, defending, said she was anxious for the case to be finalised, adding that she is expecting a child.

Finalising the case, Judge O’Connor said he noted the garda had been trying to help the girl and he recalled the effect of the attack on both the injured officer and her family. No sentence could compensate the garda for what she had to go through, he said.

However, he also noted that the teenager has not continued to come to Garda attention and he took into consideration her remorse, her personal issues and that she finds it difficult to manage her emotions. A social worker’s report on her was also furnished to the court.

Earlier, he described the injured garda’s victim impact evidence as brave and moving, and added that the case showed how gardaí frequently risk their own lives and safety.