Teenagers admit being violent at Burton protest in Jobstown

Sentencing adjourned while Tánaiste contacted regarding victim impact statement

Tánaiste Joan Burton was allegedly trapped in a ministerial car following a graduation ceremony in November 2014. Photograph: Leah Farrell/RollingNews.ie

Two teenage boys have pleaded guilty to taking part in violence during the Jobstown water protest in Dublin in 2014.

Their sentencing has been adjourned pending enquiries to find out if Tánaiste Joan Burton wants to give a victim impact statement.

The Labour leader and her entourage were allegedly trapped in a ministerial car following a graduation ceremony on November 15th, 2014.

A demonstration against the introduction of water charges was being held which allegedly delayed her for about two hours. Gardaí say violence broke out after protesters surrounded the car. Some 24 people, including six juvenile males as well as Anti-Austerity Alliance TD Paul Murphy and 17 other adults, are facing a variety of charges arising out of incident.


Two boys, aged 15 and 16, pleaded guilty yesterday at the Dublin Children’s Court to violent disorder charges. The 16-year-old also admitted breaking a windscreen on a Garda car.

Judge John O’Connor adjourned sentencing until next month. He said the incident would been a very frightening experience for the Tánaiste and was an aggressive form of bullying.