Crime Victims Helpline used by 3,200 people seeking help

Almost half of contacts made were related to victims of assaults and burglaries

Four in 10 people sought emotional support from the helpline.

Nearly half of the 3,200 contacts received by the Crime Victims Helpline last year were made as a result of assaults or burglaries, according to the charity’s annual report.

A further 14 per cent complained about harassment or stalking. Four in 10 people sought emotional support, and more than one in three requested information about the criminal justice system.

Primarily a listening and support service, the helpline also offers information about the justice system and is contactable on 116006 or 085 133 7711 for texts.

Crime Victims Helpline co-ordinator Michele Puckhaber said: “Many people will deal with crime by talking with family and friends – for others independent assistance may be helpful. The Crime Victims Helpline provides an opportunity for victims to discuss their feelings in a confidential manner with a trained volunteer.