Drug dealer who took selfie with money from his crimes jailed for six years

Jason Smith jailed after being found guilty of possession with intent to supply Class A drug

Handout photograph of drug dealer Jason Smith, posing with a wad of notes. Photograph: Kent Police/PA

A drug dealer who posed for selfie pictures with a wad of fanned-out notes he gained from his crimes has been jailed for six years.

Jason Smith, (27), struck a jubilant pose as he handled the large sum of mostly £10 and £20 notes.

But the image fell into the hands of police in England when it was found on a media player after he was arrested for possessing cannabis at a property in Milton Regis, Kent, on October 24th, 2015.

Police then seized around 1,500 ecstasy tablets with an estimated street value of up to £15,000 at the building, along with traces of other drugs including amphetamine.


Smith, of Maidstone, was jailed at Maidstone Crown Court after being found guilty of possession with intent to supply a Class A drug, Kent Police said.

"If there had been any doubts that Jason Smith was benefiting financially from the sale of Class A drugs, they were erased by the photos he took of himself holding such large quantities of cash," said Detective Constable Phil Pead.

“He was clearly very pleased with himself and displayed little concern for the customers whose health he helped put at risk by supplying them with such a dangerous product. Hopefully, he will ask himself if it was really worth it while he spends the next few years behind bars.”