Drugs, sawn-off shotguns and crossbow seized in west Dublin by Gardaí

Gardaí seized five sawn-off shotguns, ammunition, a crossbow, and a quantity cannabis herb in West Dublin. Photograph: The Garda Press Office

Gardaí have seized drugs and weapons as part during searches in the Corduff area of West Dublin.

The searches were carried out by gardaí over several days this week in connection with the sale and supply of drugs in the Corduff and wider Dublin 15 area.

During the course of the searches five sawn-off shotguns, ammunition, a crossbow, and a quantity cannabis herb were seized.

The firearms will be examined by the Garda Technical Bureau.


There have been no arrests made and investigations are ongoing.

Speaking at Blanchardstown Garda Station on Friday, Superintendent Liam Carolan said: “Garda resources are being utilised to deal with this investigation and are supported by Garda National Units including the Armed Support Unit. We are very conscious of the needs of the people and the sentiments that are being expressed by people living in the Corduff area. Significant progress has been made regarding this investigation.”