Dublin girl charged with city centre robberies to take up bail

Decision to be made on whether to hold trial in juvenile or Circuit Court

The girl (17) is accused of taking part in four street muggings over two days in Dublin. Photograph: Graham Hughes/Photocall Ireland.

A teenage girl accused of taking part in four street muggings over two days in Dublin city centre has been granted bail.

The 17-year-old from Dublin, who cannot be named because she is a juvenile, faces four counts of robbery in connection with incidents on June 23rd and June 24th last.

It is alleged that on the first date she stole a wallet containing €40, two bank cards and an immigration identity card from a foreign man at Westmoreland Street; a Sony mobile phone worth €250 and a Nokia phone to the value of €60, and a bag with a passport and €35 in cash from a man at South King Street in the city centre; and an iPhone 6 worth €850 and €50 cash from another man at the same location.

The remaining charge is for robbing a man of a phone worth €250 at St Stephen’s Green West on June 24th.



Gardaí had successfully objected to bail at Dublin Children’s Court which had heard that “the difficulty is an address”. The High Court later agreed to grant bail to the teenager, who appeared again at the juvenile court yesterday.

Defence solicitor John Quinn told Judge Deirdre Gearty that the girl, who was accompanied to court by her mother, would be able to take up bail today.

Judge Gearty adjourned the case for four weeks for directions to be obtained from the DPP.

The teenager, who has not yet entered a plea, has given an address at a city centre hostel.

A decision has yet to be made as to whether her trial will be held in the juvenile court or be transferred to the Circuit Court, which has tougher sentencing powers.