Eddie Hutch died of gunshot wounds to the head, inquest finds

Dublin-based taxi-driver (58) was shot dead at his home in Dublin in early February

Eddie Hutch Snr died of gunshot wounds to the head when he was attacked at his home in Ballybough, Dublin 3 on February 8th.

Eddie Hutch Snr died of gunshot wounds to the head, an inquest into his death heard on Tuesday.

The 58-year-old Dublin based taxi-driver was shot dead at his home at Poplar Row, Ballybough, Dublin 3 on February 8th last.

At Dublin Coroner's Court, brother of the deceased, John Hutch, gave evidence of identification of his brother's body at the short inquest hearing.

Eddie Hutch, a father of five, was shot at his home in Poplar Row as part of the Kinahan-Hutch feud.


John Hutch said he attended the Dublin city morgue to identify his brother’s body on February 10 2016.

“I was shown my brother Eddie in the morgue. I am 100 per cent certain it’s my brother,” Mr Hutch said in his deposition.

Det Sergeant Mark Waters of Mountjoy Garda Station was present for the identification process, which took place around 12.30pm on February 10th.

A postmortem examination carried out by State Pathologist Professor Marie Cassidy confirmed the cause of death as gunshot wounds to the head.

Detective Inspector Frances Sweeney applied for an adjournment of the inquest to allow for a Garda investigation into the murder to continue.

“The investigation into the death of Mr Hutch is ongoing,” Det Insp Sweeney told the court.

Coroner Dr Myra Cullinane adjourned the inquest until Tuesday, January 17th 2017 and explained to family members that no further proceedings would take place at the Coroner's Court until after the criminal investigation is complete.

“My very deepest condolences to the family for their tragic loss in these circumstances,” Dr Cullinane told the family.