Ex-detective calls on witnesses to 11-year old hatchet murder to break their silence

‘Jeffrey Hannan’s screams were heard up and down Southill estate,’ says former garda

A file photo of Jeffrey Hannan who was murdered in November 2007. Picture: Liam Burke/Press 22

A former detective garda who investigated the gruesome murder of an innocent Limerick teenager 11 years ago, has appealed to those who are shielding the killer, and who have not passed on information about the murder, to break their silence.

Jeffrey Hannan, (19), was bludgeoned to death with a hatchet near his home in Southill, Limerick, in November 2007, whilst attending a bonfire.

Today, Crimestoppers launched an appeal for information that would help bring the killer to justice.

These who call the Crimestoppers freephone number (1800-25-00-25) can remain anonymous and may be offered a cash reward, a spokeswoman said.


Meanwhile, retired Retired Detective Garda Sean Lynch, said the identity of the chief suspect for the murder is well known.

He said members of the public have been shielding the killer by not passing on information about them and the murder to gardai.

“People were at that bonfire. People were there. A lot of people living (nearby) heard noises, and looked out of their windows, and they saw exactly who was involved.”

Jeffrey’s body was dragged along a green area and dumped by a wall at the rear of his home.

“Jeffrey Hannan’s screams, apparently, were heard right up and down the (Southill) estate,” added Lynch.

“I am are appealing to the people that have that information, don’t be bottling it up inside you. Do the right thing and come out and give that information to the gardai.”

“These people may not be sleeping well at night; they need to come forward now.”

Lynch, who had been assigned as the Garda family liaison officer to the Hannan family after the murder, said Jeffrey was a “lovely fella”.

“He never missed a Limerick hurling match with his dad. He was a gentleman, a nice guy, from a lovely family.”

Lynch also directly appealed to the killer to “be upright” and to give themselves up.

“Whoever did it … maybe they didn’t intend for this to happen. That’s why even the people themselves should come forward and tell the story the way it happened,’ he said.

Alan Hannan, the victim's father, said he will never give up seeking justice for his son. "Money talks, especially in a place like Southill. And that could be the key. It could put an end to our nightmare."

Mr Hannan said he “promised Jeffrey in Cross’s Funeral Home the night he was laid out in his coffin that I would get justice for him, and I wont stop.”

“As long as I’m still alive and breathing I’m not going to give up.”

“I know there is people in Southill that know what happened on the night. It has to be eating them up.”