Family of man killed in Dublin mountains offers reward for dog

Michael McCoy was walking his two dogs when he was attacked on Friday

Fia, one of the dogs belonging to a man who was found dead at Ballinascorney Hill, Co Dublin, who is missing. Photograph: Facebook

The family of a man who died after being attacked in the Dublin mountains last Thursday has offered a reward for information on one of his dogs.

Michael McCoy (61) was walking in the woods with his two dogs when he sustained fatal injuries during an assault.

His remains were found by a search team at about 4am on Friday.

The dead man was a passionate conservationist who had lodged a very high number of planning objections to building schemes and other projects he believed would damage the natural beauty of the area where he was murdered.


One man was arrested in connection with the case. He was released without charge on Sunday after being questioned.

One of the two dogs returned home but Fia, a brown boxer with a distinctive long tail hasn’t been seen since.

Gardaí in Tallaght have appealed for anyone who was in the general area between Thursday September 29th and Friday September 30th to come forward.