Four arrested for drink- and drug-driving in bank holiday road checks

More than 250 motorists tested in Tallaght operation on N81 dual carriageway

Gardaí tweeted that “over 250 motorists were tested and four arrested for ‘driving while intoxicated’ during an MIT (mandatory intoxicant testing) checkpoint in Dublin on bank holiday Monday”. File photograph: Cyril Byrne

Four people have been arrested for drink- or drug-driving at Tallaght in Dublin.

Two of the arrests were for drink-driving and two for drug-driving after bank holiday checkpoints had been mounted.

Gardaí tweeted that “over 250 motorists were tested and four arrested for ‘driving while intoxicated’ during an MIT (mandatory intoxicant testing) checkpoint in Dublin on bank holiday Monday”.

Some 36 gardaí from roads policing units at Dublin Castle and other city divisions took part in the operation on the N81 dual carriageway in Tallaght.


“Four motorists were arrested, two for alcohol and two for drugs. Court proceedings will follow,” gardaí said.