Frances Fitzgerald responds to crime figures

New CSO statistics show a decrease in the numbers of murders and burglaries

Acting Minister for Justice Frances Fitzgerald in Dublin. File photograph: Dara Mac Dónaill/The Irish Times

Murders are occurring at the lowest rate in the Republic for more than 20 years, according to new crime data.

Figures compiled by the Central Statistics Office (CSO), confirm there were 30 murders in the State last year.

The last time the rate was lower was in 1994, when 25 murders were recorded.

Last year’s murder rate was down from 52 in 2014; a decline of 42 per cent.


The figures cover all of last year, meaning the recent gun killings in Dublin and Meath – linked to a new gang feud – are not included.

The new CSO annual statistics also reveal burglary rates have fallen by 5 per cent through last year.

There were 25,648 burglary offences reported to the Garda in 2015 – just over 490 a week. This was down on 2014 but slightly higher than in 2013.

The CSO data is compiled from figures supplied by the Garda, meaning it does not capture those not reported.

Operation Thor

Acting Minister for Justice Frances Fitzgerald welcomed the drop saying it was proof the Garda's Operation Thor, established last year to tackle burglaries, was working.

“The very welcome reduction in burglary is most encouraging and I believe it vindicates the carefully considered strategy to tackle the scourge of burglary crime by enhancing Garda capacity and improving our legislation,” she said.

However, while burglaries and murders showed a marked decrease, there was an increase in sexual violence.

For example, 536 rapes came to the attention of the Garda last year, up 13 per cent on 2014.

Conor Lally

Conor Lally

Conor Lally is Security and Crime Editor of The Irish Times