Frontline gardaí seek urgent pay deal review due to cost of living hikes

Gardaí join Ictu in seeking fresh negotiations over 2020’s Building Momentum deal

The GRA said the Building Momentum deal includes a provision to activate a review if the agreement is impacted by ‘unexpected change’. Photograph: iStock

The Garda Representative Association (GRA), which represents some 11,500 frontline members, has called for an urgent review of the national pay deal in light of inflation and cost of living increases.

“This deal was negotiated in a completely different economic landscape but under current conditions, these numbers are simply unsustainable,” GRA Interim general secretary Philip McAnenly said of the Building Momentum public pay deal which was agreed in 2020.

He said the 1 per cent increase in pay awarded to gardaí last October under the terms of the deal “simply does not go anywhere near the current rate of inflation nor meets the spiralling cost of living of our members.

“Nobody could have foreseen inflation rates rising to over 6 per cent while energy and petrol costs have risen by 30 per cent. It’s time for this government to realise this and work out a fair and equitable deal for our members.


Mr Anenly said the GRA has contacted Garda management and Government to seek an urgent meeting and to commence a review of the deal. The GRA said the Building Momentum deal includes a provision to activate a review if the agreement is impacted by "unexpected change".

The Irish Congress of Trade Unions (Ictu) has already sought such a review. Minister for Public Expenditure Michael McGrath said he will engage with Ictu on the matter.

Inflation is expected to average 6 per cent over the year, far more than the previous budget project of 2.2 per cent.

Conor Gallagher

Conor Gallagher

Conor Gallagher is Crime and Security Correspondent of The Irish Times