Gardaí describe scene of shooting as ‘chaotic’

Man wearing balaclava approached male victim outside pub and fired shots to his face

Three “innocent bystanders” attending a 21st birthday in a Dublin pub were seriously injured in the small hours of this morning when a murder attempt on a criminal went wrong.

The multiple shooting occurred at Dublin landmark Hanlon's Corner, on the junction of the North Circular Road and the Old Cabra Road on the north side of the city.

The intended victim, named locally as convicted drug dealer Greg Lynch, was shot in the face by a gunman at 2.30am. The gunman also hit three women in the legs. They were outside smoking and had been attending a 21st birthday party in Hanlon’s Pub.

The man was taken to the Mater Hospital where his condition is described as serious. The women were taken to St James’s and Connolly Memorial Hospitals. Their injuries were not life-threatening and one woman has since been released.


Forensic examination at the scene is continuing and approximately 70 metres of the Old Cabra Road side of the pub remains closed. No arrests have so far been made.

Speaking outside the pub this afternoon, Superintendent David Taylor said there were chaotic scenes there earlier in the morning.

“There was a 21st on-going at the time people were outside having a cigarette and chatting,” he said.

A man wearing a balaclava approached the male victim and fired a number of shots to his face. People ran for cover and the three women were shot.

When gardaí arrived after receiving a 999 call shortly after 2.35am they found the injured man lying on the footpath with gunshot wounds to his face and the three women had been brought inside the pub and were being comforted by patrons.

“All three, ranging in age from 24 to 28, were attended to and were removed to hospital,” he said.

“Their condition is not serious.”

One woman has since been released from hospital and all three were co-operating with gardaí, Supt Taylor said.

“People are very traumatised by what happened here,” he said.

He called for anyone who was at the 21st birthday party to contact gardaí at the Bridewell Garda Station or on the Garda Confidential Line on 1800 666 111.

“A number of people have come forward with valuable information, but a lot of people may have seen this, but in the chaotic scenes did not come forward,” he said.

He also asked that anyone who saw a car driving recklessly leaving the scene at speed to get in touch.

“Anybody that discharges a firearm into a group of people, the consequences can be horrific, luckily nobody has died,” he said.

“It was an indiscriminate shooting of people enjoying themselves at a 21st party, the consequences were serious they could have been absolutely awful.”

Fiona Gartland

Fiona Gartland

Fiona Gartland is a crime writer and former Irish Times journalist

Peter Smyth

Peter Smyth is a digital production journalist at The Irish Times