Gardaí appeal to Romanian community over Linda Christian murder

Renewed public appeal following discovery of 29-year-old’s body in Coolmine in July

Gardaí have begun handing out leaflets in Romanian appealing for information on the murder of 29-year-old Linda Christian in Coolmine

Gardaí have begun handing out leaflets in Romanian appealing for information on the murder of 29-year-old Linda Christian in Coolmine, Dublin in June.

Gardaí have confirmed the case is now officially being treated as a murder and investigating officers have carried out over 600 lines following the discovery of Ms Christian’s badly-decomposed remains in a wooded area near Snugborough Road in Coolmine in July.

Speaking at the launch of a renewed public appeal for information in relation to the woman's death, Detective Inspector Des McTiernan from Blanchardstown Garda Station revealed that gardaí travelled to Romania to interview a man seen in the company of Ms Christian on the day she was last seen alive.

A missing persons appeal was put out for Ms Christian following her disappearance from James Connolly Memorial Hospital in Blanchardstown on 24th June,.


Her body was only belatedly found on July 17th after residents complained of a foul smell in the area where her corpse was left.

Det Insp McTiernan said it is his belief that Ms Christian was murdered in the Coolmine Woods area.

He added that she often interacted with the local Romanian community, and had many Romanian friends.

“Today is about appealing to people anywhere and everywhere who might be in a position to give us some information regarding Linda on the 24th June and her movements therein,” he told a press conference on Saturday.

He added: “This is still very much a live and open developing investigation, so I suppose we’re considering all options.

“We’re targeting everybody, but we’re also targeting in particular members of the Romanian community.

“She interacted with the Romanian community, we know that for a fact and I suppose that’s the main reason in case Romanians have information to offer.”


Gardaí handed out leaflets printed in English and Romanian in the Blanchardstown/Coolmine area on Saturday carrying a picture of Ms Christian and details concerning her last known movements.

She was seen leaving the hospital just after 9am on June 24th in the company of the Romanian national who gardaí have since interviewed.

Ms Christian then walked down Mill Road towards Blanchardstown Main Street, before entering a shop on Church Avenue and purchasing a number of items.

She then returned to the Main Street walking in the direction of the Garda station, turned left and walked to the top of the Snugborough Road extension towards the intersection with Grove Road near where her body was found in Coolmine Woods.

She was described as being 5’5”, had long brown hair and was of slim build. She was wearing a green bomber-type jacket over a yellow hoodie along with blue jeans, pink runners and she was carrying a pink handbag.

Ms Christian was described as a vulnerable individual who was well-liked in the area.

“Linda was very popular here in Blanchardstown. I would describe her as a vulnerable individual but her family cared very deeply for her, as did her friends and colleagues,” Det Insp McTiernan said.

Following her death Ms Christian's sister Nikki Christian described her as a person who "filled our lives with happiness and laughter mixed with heartache and anger".

Anyone with information relating to the case is encouraged to contact the anonymous Crimestoppers line on 1800 250025.