Gardaí found breaches of Covid-19 rules in 20 pubs last week

Under Operation Navigation, gardaí have been carrying out inspections of pubs

The Garda said the vast majority of licensed premises continue to operate in compliance with regulations and licensing laws. Photograph: iStock

Gardaí found potential breaches of the health regulations or licensing laws in pubs on 20 occasions last week.

Under Operation Navigation, gardaí have been carrying out inspections of pubs and licenced premises across the country.

In conducting these visits, the Garda said it continued its “graduated policing response based on its tradition of policing by consent”.

“This has seen gardaí engage, educate, encourage and, as a last resort, enforce,” a spokesman for the force said.


In total since the commencement of Operation Navigation on July 3rd, gardaí have observed 59 potential breaches of the health regulations.

Where potential breaches of the regulations are identified and where a person does not come into compliance with the regulations, a file is submitted to the Director of Public Prosecutions for a direction as to how to proceed.

The majority of these cases continue to refer to no evidence of food being served or consumed and no evidence of receipts to show that food had been sold.

The Garda said the vast majority of licensed premises continue to operate in compliance with regulations and licensing laws.

Speaking at Garda Headquarters, Deputy Commissioner, Policing and Security, John Twomey said: "An Garda Síochána continue to carry out intensive visits of licensed premises which have opened for business in accordance with Covid-19 Public Health Regulations.

“An Garda Síochána continues to see high level of compliance. This is welcome. An Garda Síochána will continue to enforce the public health guidelines, which have now been extended until the August 10th.

“The Covid-19 pandemic remains a real and present public health crisis and An Garda Síochána continues to appeal to all citizens, businesses and organisations to comply with public health guidelines and regulations in order to continue to save lives.”

Under the Fáilte Ireland measures for the reopening of pubs, those that served food were allowed to reopen from Monday while pubs not serving food must wait until July 20th. From last Monday, pubs that served food were allowed to reopen with table service only.

Gardaí have no specific powers to close a pub on the spot if they find it in breach of conditions including social distancing and pre-booking and a time limit of 105 minutes per customer.

However, if Garda members find what they regard as unsafe conditions in pubs, they can alert the Health and Safety Authority (HSA) and it can apply to the High Court for an order that would force a pub to close over risks to health and wellbeing.

Under the Fáilte Ireland measures for the reopening of pubs, those that served food were allowed to reopen from June 29th while pubs not serving food must wait until at least August 10th.

Colin Gleeson

Colin Gleeson

Colin Gleeson is an Irish Times reporter