Gardaí given extra time to question heroin seizure suspects

Two men arrested following discovery of €50,000 worth of drugs in Limerick

Gardaí have been given three more days to question two men arrested in Limerick in connection with the seizure of €50,000 worth of heroin. File photograph: Frank Miller/The Irish Times

Gardaí have been given three more days to question two men arrested in Limerick in connection with the seizure of €50,000 worth of heroin in the city.

The men, aged 40 and 43, were brought to Limerick District Court on Thursday for the Garda application to their extend their time in custody.

Chief Supt Dave Sheahan told the court that both men were arrested at a house in St Mary's Park shortly before 8pm on Tuesday, December 15th, last.

The men had been detained for questioning at Henry Street Garda station under Section Two of the Criminal Justice (Drug Trafficking) Act 1996.


Judge Marian O’Leary was told that both men have been in lawful custody and that the investigation into the seizure is being carried out “diligently and expeditiously”.

Garda interviews

The court heard that both men have been interviewed by gardaí several times and each has had five consultations with their solicitor.

Chief Supt Dave Sheahan said he was seeking the extension in order to continue with the proper investigation of the alleged offence.

The judge granted the application.