Gardaí hunt for murdered teenager Cameron Reilly’s phone

Cameron’s Apple iPhone 8 may have been stolen from him after his death

Gardaí are continuing to examine the scene around the field where Cameron Reilly’s body was found. Photograph: Ciara Wilkinson

Gardaí investigating the murder of Cameron Reilly (18) say the hunt is continuing for his iPhone 8.

The phone may have been stolen from him after his death; his body was found on Saturday morning in a field popular with young people for meeting up and drinking in Dunleer, county Louth.

Hundreds of people attended a candlelit vigil in Dunleer church last night and left messages about the popular young man on colourful post-it notes.

Cameron’s mother and maternal grandparents also attended.


Gardaí on Tuesday said that his phone - an iPhone 8 - has not been found and while “lots of people have been interviewed,” there have not been any arrests.

Gardaí believe the key to solving what happened lies in the community in Dunleer and they have appealed for people his own age who know anything about what happened on Friday night/Saturday morning to contact them in confidence.

“This investigation is into a murder and nothing else, there maybe a fear of talking to the gardaí but we would ask them to talk to us. What may not be a significant piece of information to them, could be significant to the investigation,” a senior garda said.

Cameron’s phone is an Apple iPhone 8 (64GB) with a green hard back cover, space grey in colour and gardaí said,”We would ask home and business owners in Dunleer to check their property including wheelie bins and waste skips. We would also ask anyone offered a phone for sale as described to contact us.’

Anyone with information is asked to contact Drogheda Garda Station on 041-9874200, the Garda Confidential Line at 1800 666 111 or any Garda Station.

Meanwhile more than €5,500 has been raised by a GoFundMe page for Cameron’s family within 24 hours of being established.

It was set up by Ray Buckley who said, “Cameron Reilly is the only child of Tracy and Snowy. He was tragically taken from them in unimaginable circumstances.”

“The Reilly/Glass family have lost their child, they are facing a situation that no person on this earth should have to face. They are parents saying goodbye to their child.”

“Any and all funds raised on this page will go directly to the parents of Cameron Reilly to help them in the weeks and months ahead.”