Gardai investigate west Dublin feud after church grounds shooting

Badly wounded victim drove to Garda station

Members of the Gardaí outside The Church of the Transfiguration in Bawnogue , Dublin where a shooting took place . Photograph: Gareth Chaney/ Collins
Members of the Gardaí outside The Church of the Transfiguration in Bawnogue , Dublin where a shooting took place . Photograph: Gareth Chaney/ Collins

Gardai believe a man left fighting for his life after being shot in a suspected gangland incident was targeted by a well known gang leader as part of a feud in west Dublin.

The 34-year-old victim has been in critical condition since being attacked in the car park of a church on Bawnogue Rd, Clondalkin, Dublin, at around 6.15pm yesterday.

He was in his car when another vehicle pulled up from which a masked gunman alighted and fired several shots into the victim’s car.

Though wounded several times, the victim managed to drive from the scene and make his way to the safety of Clondalkin garda station, where he presented with his injuries, covered in blood and near a state of collapse.


He was aided by gardai in the station as they waited for an ambulance to arrive. Paramedics then worked on him at the scene and took him by ambulance to Tallaght Hospital.

He is believed to have lost consciousness before being transferred to the hospital and Garda sources said he was now seriously ill.

He was wounded in the neck and upper bodybut is expected to survive.

Well known to gardai, he was targeted a number of years ago in a number of attacks on his home when shots were fired at it and an explosive device was also thrown at the house.

The car park where was shot and the area outside Clondalkin garda station where he left his car as he fled from it were both sealed off last night and underwent examinations by members of the Garda Technical Bureau.

The victim’s car has also been taken away for forensic analysis.

The injured man is a car dealer and has links to a number of men involved in an ongoing gun few in the neighbouring suburbs of Crumlin and Drimnagh, where he is from.

Gardai are trying to establish if he was shot as part of a row with a major gangland figure from the Clondalkin area.

Anyone who may have seen the attack or believes they have information that could aid the Garda inquiry is asked to contact in the investigation team in Clondalkin station on (01) 6667600.

Conor Lally

Conor Lally

Conor Lally is Security and Crime Editor of The Irish Times