Gardaí seize €90,000 of cannabis herb in Kildare

Arrests made following drugs find and road offences detected at 22 checkpoints

Gardaí will send files to the Director of Prosecutions following the arrests in Kildare over the weekend.

Gardaí in Kildare have seized €90,000 worth of cannabis herb after searches on 11 private homes.

As part of Operation Thor, gardaí­ from the Kildare district assisted by the Regional Support Unit carried out a number of searches across Kildare from 7am on Friday morning until 4am on Sunday.

A Garda spokesman said the operation consisted of eleven searches of private residences and a number of arrests.

Over €90,000 of cannabis herb was seized.


Fles will now be prepared for the Director of Public Prosecutions in relation to the arrests.

Gardaí also carried out 22 checkpoints in conjunction with the Taxi Regulator across the Kildare district over the same period.

The spokesman said this resulted in the disclosure of a number of traffic offences. Two people were arrested and detained on suspicion of carrying out burglaries in the Kildare district.

They have since been released without charge and a file will be submitted to the DPP.

Operation Thor was established by An Garda Síochána to target repeat-offender burglars. It also involved the establishement of an armed, quick-response unit using high-powered cars to target gangs using the motorway network for smash-and-grab raids.