Gardaí to crack down on drivers using mobile phones

Warning issued as figures show 76 motorists detected using handsets each day

The offence of holding a mobile phone whilst driving carries a fixed charge notice penalty of three penalty points and an €80 euro fine.

Gardaí will target drivers using mobile phones in an operation to be launched in the coming days.

More than 28,000 drivers were detected holding a mobile phone while driving in 2015 – an average of 76 a day.

An Garda Síochána said holding a phone while driving remains a significant issue that requires continued and prolonged attention.

“All available Garda personnel, both uniform and plain clothes will participate in this targeted mobile phone enforcement operation. The aim of the operation is to detect offending motorists who hold or use a mobile phone while driving,” the force said in a statement.


“Distracted driving, such as using or holding a mobile phone whilst driving is a high risk activity for all road users and as such must be addressed. Intercepting such distracted drivers will modify driver behaviour.”

Chief superintendent Aidan Reid said today: “Distracted driving causes collisions, and using or holding a mobile phone whilst driving, is a prime example of distracted driving.

“We are announcing that there will be a targeted operation taking place over the next few days, but not announcing the exact dates. This is to give people an opportunity to modify their behaviour and put away that mobile phone. ”

The offence of holding a mobile phone whilst driving carries a fixed charge notice penalty of three penalty points and an €80 euro fine if paid within 28 days. It is also an offence to send or read a text from a mobile phone while driving in a public place.