Gardaí uncover cannabis grow-house in Kildare

Drugs worth €60,000 along with cash seized in Prosperous after driver detained at checkpoint

Some of the cannabis plants uncovered during the search operation at a premises in Co Kildare. Photograph: Garda press office

Gardaí uncovered a cannabis cultivation operation, drugs worth about €60,000 and some €30,000 in cash after they searched a premises in Kildare today.

The drug seizure followed a mandatory alcohol testing checkpoint at St John's Road West in Dublin last night.

A Garda spokesman said gardaí ftom the Dublin Regional traffic department detected a smell of cannabis from a vehicle at the checkpoint.

“A search under the Misuse of Drugs Act revealed a medium sized bag of what appeared to be cannabis. The driver - a man in his 30s - was arrested and detained under section 4 of the Criminal Justice Act at Kilmainham Garda station,” he said.


In a follow-up search at a house in Prosperous Co Kildare, members of the Dublin Metropolitan Region traffic division, assisted by local Gardaí­ from Naas and Clane, searched this premises in the early hours of this morning.

They uncovered a cannabis cultivation operation, yielding a quantity of cannabis plant and herb with a potential street value of about €60,000 as well as approximately €30,000 in cash, the spokesman said.