Gosafe industrial action suspended following WRC request for talks

Sitpu and management at speed camera company to meet on November 22nd

Siptu members in GoSafe protesting outside Leinster House earlier this month. Photograph: Sam Boal/Rollingnews.ie

Speed camera operators who are members of the trade union Siptu have suspended their industrial action following an intervention by the Workplace Relation Commission (WRC).

Staff at GoSafe, the company that operates the State’s roadside speed camera system, have been holding strikes on a number of days in recent weeks in a dispute over working conditions and union recognition.

A 72-hour stoppage by staff employed at the company took place over the October Bank Holiday weekend. Staff also held a strike and protest outside Leinster House last Thursday.

Siptu organiser Brendan Carr said the union and management had agreed to talks following a request by the WRC.


“Our members in GoSafe have agreed to suspend industrial action at the company at the request of the WRC. We will be attending a conciliation meeting at the WRC on Friday, 22nd November,” he said. “The company has also agreed to attend this meeting.”

Siptu has previously urged management at GoSafe to adhere to a Labour Court recommendation stating that the company should recognise the union as the representative of its employees who are members and negotiate with it to resolve their legitimate concerns about conditions.

A spokesman for GoSafe said the company had on six separate occasions over the past six months indicated to Siptu it was “open to exploring how the current staff representative body and Siptu could work together for those employees that each represents”.

He noted that of the 130 employees, “between 20 and 30 are Siptu members”.

However, he confirmed the company would attend the conciliation meeting next week.

Olivia Kelly

Olivia Kelly

Olivia Kelly is Dublin Editor of The Irish Times