Gun attack on man in Belfast treated as ‘attempted murder’

PSNI expect victim (28), who sustained wounds to head, chest and leg, to ‘pull through’

A 28-year-old was shot at least three times at a house in Distillery Court off the Grosvenor Road in Belfast on Friday morning. He suffered injuries to his head, arm, chest and leg and is being treated in hospital.

Police are treating a gun attack on a man in west Belfast as attempted murder.

The 28-year-old was shot at least three times at a house in Distillery Court off the Grosvenor Road. He suffered injuries to his head, arm, chest and leg and is being treated in hospital.

Detective Inspector Chris Wilson, who is leading the investigation, said the victim was undergoing surgery and police “believe he will pull through”.

It is understood the victim managed to stagger out of the property and raise the alarm with neighbours.


Police are searching for two people believed to have been involved. The suspects entered the house at about 9.45am on Friday and shot the victim before fleeing on foot towards the Grosvenor Road.

“Although we are following a number of lines of enquiry in this investigation, we are keeping an open mind as to a motive,” Det Insp Wilson said.

“We will be in a better position to be clear about what happened and why if people who have information come forward to police and provide us with details which we can turn into evidence.

“We have a report of a man aged in his mid-30s running along Distillery Street onto the Grosvenor Road and into Leeson Street shortly after the shooting.

“He was well groomed with a ginger beard and was wearing a blue tracksuit with the hood up, a hat and leather gloves.”

An extensive police cordon was erected around the scene with plainclothes detectives carrying out door-to-door enquiries.

Sinn Féin MP Paul Maskey said those responsible for the shooting should be “taken off the streets”.

Police have appealed for anyone with information to contact officers on the non emergency 101 number.