Heroin worth an estimated €1.4m seized in Dublin

Gardaí discover quantity of drugs during search of premises in the south inner city

Heroin with an estimated street value of €1.4 million, which was seized by the Garda in Dublin’s south inner city. Photograph: An Garda Síochána

Heroin with an estimated street value of €1.4 million has been seized by the Garda as part of its Operation Thistle, which is targetting organised criminals in Dublin’s south inner city.

Gardaí said they seized the quantity of heroin, along with cannabis herb with an estimated value of €10,000, during a planned search of a premises in the Kevin Street district on Wednesday.

A man in his 30s was arrested and is being detained at Kevin Street Garda station under Section 2 of the Criminal Justice, (Drug Trafficking), Act, 1996.