In Short

Other legal news in brief

Other legal news in brief

New Phoenix Park courts complex to open

The new Courts of Criminal Justice at Parkgate Street, Dublin, will begin operation next month, with its first case to be heard on November 24th.

The first Central Criminal Court trial opens in the 22- court building in four weeks. The first cases to be heard in the six new District Courts will be on December 7th.


It is planned to transfer all criminal business and trials of the Court of Criminal Appeal, Central Criminal Court, Special Criminal Court, Dublin Circuit Criminal Court and Dublin District Court criminal business to the complex by January 11th, 2010.

Rights workshops in North

The Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission is holding workshops in Belfast, Derry and Omagh next month.

The Omagh workshop takes place on November 18th in Omagh Community House, Drumragh Avenue, the Derry one on November 24th in The Junction, Bishop Street, and the Belfast one on November 25th in the NIHRC offices in Temple Court, North Street, all between 9.30am and 1.30pm.

For further information contact Charlene Craig at 028 902 43987.

UCD seminars on elder abuse

UCD’s Equality Society continues its series of seminars on elder abuse with a 30-minute DVD followed by a discussion on November 4th next at 1pm in Room L532, fifth floor ,Library Building, UCD Belfield.

Book through ucdequality

Book on murder trials in Ireland

WE Vaughan, senior lecturer in history in Trinity College Dublin, has just published a book on Murder Trials in Ireland, 1836-1914 with Four Courts Press (€55). It runs to 452 pages in hardback.