Jail for British man caught sexually abusing horse on CCTV

Alan Blackman sentenced to 14 months for attacking animal in Norfolk

Handout CCTV still issued by Norfolk Police of Alan Blackman at stables in Redenhall in Norfolk. Photograph: Norfolk Police/PA Wire

A married father of three caught on CCTV sexually assaulting a horse in an attack lasting more than an hour has been jailed in Britain.

Former removals worker Alan Blackman (31), of no fixed address, pleaded guilty to trespass with the intent to commit a sexual offence and attempted intercourse with a horse after the animal was found injured at farm stables in Redenhall, Norfolk, on August 6th.

Blackman was sentenced at Norwich Crown Court as his wife sat in the public gallery.

The court heard he had filmed himself abusing the horse. CCTV footage later showed him fetching containers to stand on in an attempt to have sex with the animal.


Jailing him for 14 months, Judge Katharine Moore told Blackman: "You recorded this possibly because it was something you yourself might watch again or because it was something you might want others to watch.

“Unfortunately as a result of your actions, the horse sustained injuries.”

Describing the offence as “somewhat unusual”, prosecutor Claire Matthews said the horse’s owner had become suspicious about a possible disturbance in the stable and checked security camera footage.

They found footage of Blackman sexually assaulting the horse.

Ms Matthews said: “In total he was in the stable for something in the order of an hour and 10 minutes.”

She said Blackman was arrested after a police appeal for information accompanied by CCTV images was published in the media.

He initially told officers he had been home with his wife at the time of the attack, which happened at about 10.15pm.

But when questioned, Blackman’s wife confirmed he had not been home that night and did not return until the early hours.

Two weeks later, Blackman admitted what he had done to police, saying he was high on cocaine and amphetamine and could not remember the attack. He had also consumed large amounts of alcohol.

He also admitted he had previously viewed bestiality images but not “for his own sexual gratification”.

After the attack, the horse was treated for internal injuries and it will need further surgery.

Michael Clare, mitigating, said Blackman is now unemployed and in debt.

“He has already sentenced himself to a lifetime of excruciating embarrassment,” he added.

Blackman has since experienced suicidal thoughts, the court heard.