Johnny Depp settles Belfast legal row with publishers

Apologies from ‘Belfast Telegraph’ and ‘Mirror’ over articles about actor and wife

Actor Johnny Depp has resolved a legal action he was set to take in Belfast over false media allegations. Photograph: Johannes Eisele/AFP/Getty Images.

Actor Johnny Depp has resolved a legal action he was set to take in Belfast over false media allegations.

The Pirates of the Caribbean actor had instructed lawyers about allegations in online articles focused on him and his wife, actor Amber Heard.

Heard is facing claims that she illegally imported her two dogs into Australia. One online article made inaccurate references to how much the case has cost Depp.

Defamation proceedings were drafted and set to be issued on the couple's behalf by Belfast-based lawyer Paul Tweed.


However, Mr Tweed, of Johnsons Solicitors, confirmed on Wednesday that the two cases have been "settled amicably".

The outcomes involve an apology being issued by the Belfast Telegraph about unfounded allegations relating to “grossly exaggerated expenditure”, he said.

Mr Tweed revealed that another apology was obtained from The Mirror over equally unfounded claims relating to the couple’s marriage.

“Johnny and Amber hope that these and other apologies offered to them will finally put an end to unfounded speculation and reports of this nature in the media,” he said.