Man (22) suffers skull and brain injuries in random Dublin attack

Gardaí seek witnesses to incident after which shirtless man ran towards Bachelors Walk

Gardaí have appealed for witnesses to a random violent attack near O’Connell Bridge in Dublin city centre at the weekend in which a man suffered skull and brain injuries.

Gardaí have appealed for witnesses to a random violent attack in Dublin city centre at the weekend in which a man suffered skull and brain injuries.

Detectives investigating the case believe the injured man would have been kicked in the head while knocked to the ground but for others present stepping in and stopping the attacker.

The suspect was with a young woman at the time of the attack and she stepped in, along with bystanders, to stop the victim being kicked in the head after he was knocked to the ground.

Gardaí have yet to identity the attacker and have appealed for anyone who was present at the time to come forward.


While the victim, a 22-year-old man from overseas, was severely injured, his life is not said to be at risk. However, he suffered broken bones in his skull and face and a brain injury that medics are hopeful he will recover fully from.

The victim was walking down Aston Quay, on the southern bank of the River Liffey, at about 3.50am on Saturday when a man in the company of woman approached him and tried to engage him in conversation.


When they reached the junction with Westmoreland Street the attacker, who was not wearing a top but was believed to be carrying a T-shirt, turned on the victim. He punched him a number of times, causing the injured man to be knocked to the ground. The attacker than tried to kick the victim but was stopped.

However, as the injured man was getting up off the ground, he was punched several times, knocking him out and causing his head to hit the pavement.

The assailant then ran from the scene across O’Connell Bridge, turning left onto Bachelors Walk and then immediately onto a laneway.

The injured man was taken by ambulance to St James's Hospital before being transferred to Beaumont Hospital for specialist treatment for his head injuries.

He remained there on Tuesday night and was expected to require treatment for some time.

Gardaí are appealing for anyone who was in the area at the times, including motorists who may have been recording with a dashcam, to contact Pearse Street Garda station or any garda station.

The scene of the attack was examined by members of the Garda Technical Bureau and footage was being gathered from CCTV cameras in the area.

Conor Lally

Conor Lally

Conor Lally is Security and Crime Editor of The Irish Times