Man admits showing son semi-nude images of mother

It is clear boy does not want to visit you, judge tells father seeking increased access

A man who admitted showing his son semi-nude images of his drunk mother has been denied access to his son. Photograph: Richard Newstead/Getty

A man who admitted showing his son semi-nude images of his drunk mother applied to the Family Court for increased access to the child.

Solicitor Waheed Mudah, for the mother, told the court the boy was “very distressed” and had to see a doctor after the father had shown the images and video recordings. The boy has also refused to see his father since then, he said.

The mother was applying to Dublin District Family Court on Monday to have the current access order discharged. An access order determines when the parent with whom a child does not live can see the child.

When the father was asked by Judge Bernadette Owens whether he showed nude photos of the mother to his son, he said: "It was a video, not photos."


The man said his son loves watching old videos of himself, and it was in this context that he showed his son the video in question. He said his former partner is seen in the video drunk and in a state of semi-undress, going to the toilet.

‘Drunken state’

The father added that he has recorded the mother in a “drunken state” on other occasions and said she had rung him under the influence many times.

“I videoed her to show her what she did,” the father said, pulling out VHS videos from his bag which he claimed his former partner had smashed.

The court heard that the father was applying to increase the number of visits with his son.

Judge Owens said she would speak with the schoolboy in order to ascertain his views and wishes, as required under recent legislation, regarding visits with his father.

The father requested that she ensure the boy was not coached by his mother. After speaking with him in private, Judge Owens said the schoolboy filled her in on background information about himself, his school and his friends.

“He strikes me as a very bright, intelligent young boy,” she said. “He strikes me as a very sensitive and thoughtful young boy.”

But she said the boy clearly did not wish to visit with his father at the moment.

“He was very clear to me that at this point he does not wish to exercise access. I do accept that his mam is a very strong influence on his life, but I cannot put it to the point that he was being coached. He was very clear that at this time he doesn’t want to exercise access with his dad.”