Man injured in fracas in Longford village transferred to Dublin hospital

Gardaí suspect violent confrontation may be linked to an internal Traveller-related feud

One of the damaged vehicles on Main St Ballymahon, Co Longford, this morning. Photograph: McGrath Photography

A man seriously injured in a violent attack in a Co Longford village on Tuesday morning was last night transferred to Dublin's St James's Hospital.

The injured man, a UK-based resident aged in his 40s, suffered stab wounds during a violent confrontation between a group of men on Main Street in Ballymahon.

Detectives believe the injured man may have been dragged from a vehicle and stabbed after his vehicle collided with another car in the south Longford town between 6.30am and 8am.

It is understood he was brought by a van to the Midlands Regional Hospital in Mullingar. Gardaí said he was later transferred to St James’s Hospital where his condition is described as critical.


A number of cars were also rammed in Ballymahon during the incident. One of damaged vehicles was a UK-registered SUV.

The cause of the confrontation is unclear although gardaí suspect it may be linked to a Traveller feud.

A number of people were understood to be visiting the area ahead of a religious service at Ballymacormack Cemetery which took place, without incident, at noon.

Gardaí, in a statement, said the man in his 40s “received what appears to be stab wounds during the course of an incident involving a large number of men”.

Gardaí are asking anyone with information or anyone who travelled through Ballymahon on Tuesday morning between 6.30am and 8am to contact them at Longford Garda Station (043-3350570),where an incident has been set up.