Man shot in both legs in ‘brutal’ Belfast paramilitary incident

PSNI says others could have been injured as attack took place in built-up area at busy time

Police in Belfast have appealed for information about a paramilitary style attack in which a man was shot in both legs last night.

Police in Belfast have appealed for information about a paramilitary style attack in which a man was shot in both legs last night.

The PSNI said it was fortunate nobody else was injured in the incident which happened in a built-up area at a busy time of day.

The force received a report from the ambulance service of a shooting incident in the Ardmonagh Parade area at about 8.05pm. The victim suffered wounds to both of his lower legs and was taken to hospital for treatment.

“This was a vicious and brutal attack at a time in the evening when families were going about their business,” PSNI Det Sgt Armstrong said.


“The very fact that whoever pulled the trigger thought it was acceptable to recklessly shoot this man in a built-up area where children and teenagers could be passing by shows the contempt they have for their community. The bullets could have strayed at any moment and hit someone passing by. This is utterly appalling and needs to stop.”

Anyone who was in the Ardmonagh Parade or Norglen Parade areas last night or who has information about the incident is asked to “call detectives at Musgrave on 101 and quote reference number 1162 of 23/03/19” or the Crimestoppers charity on 0800 555 111.