Nearly €180,000 cash seized from man at Dublin Airport

Revenue suspect cash from South African national to be proceeds of criminal activity

Revenue seized the cash after a routine inspection at Dublin airport. Picture Nick Bradshaw

Revenue officers have seized nearly €180,000 from a man travelling through Dublin Airport.

A South African man in his 40s, who was travelling from Dublin to Düsseldorf in Germany, was stopped on Saturday, July 8th by revenue officers following a routine profile. The man was found to be carrying €177,300 in his hand luggage and on his person.

Revenue officers seized the cash as they suspected it to be the proceeds of, or intended for use in, criminal activity. The seizure was carried out as part of Revenue’s ongoing work targeting smuggling and shadow economy activity.

The officers were granted a three-month cash-detention order by judge Patricia Harney on Monday, July 8th at the Dublin District Court.


Investigations into the seizure are ongoing.