New search for body of rapist whose arm found on Dollymount

Dig in north Dublin expected for James Nolan (46), last seen in Finglas in 2010

James Nolan had been missing since shortly after he was released from Portlaoise Prison in November 2010, having served time for burglary. File photograph: Collins Courts

Gardaí have confirmed fresh searches are being carried out in relation to the finding of partial remains of convicted rapist James Nolan.

A severed arm identified as belonging to the 46-year-old was found washed up on Dollymount Strand in Dublin five years ago.

No other parts of Nolan’s body have been found since.

Nolan, from Fairlawn Road in Finglas, Co Dublin, had been missing since shortly after he was released from Portlaoise Prison in November 2010, having served time for burglary.


Nolan had previously been jailed for 14 years in 1986 after being convicted of rape and false imprisonment.

His last known location was at the Wellmount Clinic in Finglas on November 30th, 2010, where he collected methadone.

A Garda spokeswoman confirmed on Thursday new information had been given to officers in Co Monaghan, who were carrying out a number of searches.

Digs planned

There are reports digs are also planned in north Dublin in the coming weeks, but gardaí did not confirm that information.

An inquest last year heard a man’s right arm was found by a man walking his dog on Dollymount Strand in 2011.

State Pathologist Prof Marie Cassidy told Dublin Coroner's Court the arm had been "cleanly" severed post-death using a very sharp knife, and tattoos had been cut from the skin to prevent his identification.

“A propeller can leave quite a clean mark on a body but they are usually longer. These were very carefully and deliberately going around the whole circumference of the limb. It was deliberately cut,” she said.

The arm had been dismembered at the shoulder and wrist.

Prof Cassidy told the court there was no evidence of any bleeding or blood loss into the tissues, indicating that Nolan was dead when the cuts were made.

She said she could not discount the possibility the arm had been in the water since Nolan went missing in November 2010.

Det Insp Paul Scott had confirmed Nolan was identified using a DNA sample taken from the arm that matched a DNA profile on a UK police database.

Nolan had been arrested in Holyhead in 2004 when he was found using a forged driving licence and a photograph. Fingerprints and DNA were taken at the time.

Rachel Flaherty

Rachel Flaherty

Rachel Flaherty is Digital Features Editor and journalist with The Irish Times