Nuala O’Loan to receive damages from senior DUP member over libel

Lagan Valley MLA Paul Givan apologises for comments made about former NI police ombudsman

Nuala O’Loan: sued Paul Givan over a broadcast on UTV Live 18 months ago

Former Northern Ireland police ombudsman Baroness Nuala O'Loan is to receive substantial libel damages from a senior member of the Democratic Unionist Party, a court in Belfast heard.

Lagan Valley MLA Paul Givan, who is chairman of the Stormont justice committee, also issued an unreserved apology for comments he made in a live television interview that questioned her integrity and impartiality during her time in office.

The resolution was confirmed at the High Court in Belfast after a jury had been sworn in to hear the case.

Ms O'Loan, who served as Northern Ireland's first police ombudsman between 1999 and 2007, sued over a broadcast on UTV Live 18 months ago.


Although liability was accepted, a jury of four men and three women were due to decide the level of damages. However, following further negotiations, Mr Justice Gillen was told a settlement had been reached.

As part of the outcome an agreed statement was read out in court on behalf of Mr Givan and the second defendant, UTV Media Plc.