Over 500 litres of counterfeit alcohol seized in Dublin and Cork

Counterfeit alcohol hidden among consignment of soft drinks and snacks

Over 530 litres of alcohol was found hidden in a consignment of soft drinks and snacks that had arrived at Dublin Port from Portugal. Photograph: Revenue

Revenue officer at Dublin Port have seized smuggled alcohol worth €6,800 as part of a routine inspection.

More than 530 litres of alcohol was found hidden in a consignment of soft drinks and snacks that had arrived from Portugal.

If the alcohol had been sold in Ireland, it would have cost the exchequer €3,500 in lost tax income, Revenue said.

In a separate operation, 18 litres of suspected counterfeit vodka were seized after a search of a premises in north Cork on Monday.


Gardaí attended the scene with Revenue officers, and a number of counterfeit clothing items were also discovered.

A man in his 30s was arrested.

Revenue investigations in both cases are ongoing, with a view to prosecution.

Revenue said the searches are part of its ongoing efforts to target the sale and supply of illegal and counterfeit alcohol.

It added that anyone tempted to buy cheap alcohol, tobacco or other items from an irregular source should consider if what they are being sold may be counterfeit.

In addition it warned that counterfeit vodka often contains high quantities of methanol, a poisonous chemical that can cause breathing difficulties, liver damage or blindness; and isopropyl alcohol, a chemical solvent commonly found in nail varnish remover.