Paramilitary-style shootings in North double in 12 months

PSNI figures also show number of sex offences at highest level in North for 20 years

PSNI statistics: There were five security-related deaths during 2016/17, the largest number per year since 2008.

The number of paramilitary-style shootings in Northern Ireland has doubled in the past year, the Police Service of Northern Ireland has said.

Dissident republicans opposed to the peace process were responsible for 25 of the 28 attacks.

The police figures also show the number of sex offences has hit its highest level in Northern Ireland for nearly two decades.

More than 3,000 crimes were recorded last year and although the rate of increase has slowed, the total is the greatest since 1998.


PSNI deputy chief constable Drew Harris said: “I acknowledge the increase in the number of victims as a result of paramilitary-style attacks and would reassure local communities that we are continuing to focus on these crimes.

“The PSNI is working hard to bring those responsible for these types of crimes before the courts, however we also need the support from the public in providing us with the information we need to bring the perpetrators to justice.”

There were five security-related deaths during 2016/17, the largest number per year since 2008, official statistics showed.

The PSNI added: “There were 28 casualties resulting from paramilitary-style shootings in 2016/17, double the number recorded in the previous year.

“Republicans were deemed responsible for 25 of these with loyalists responsible for the remaining three.”


There were a total of 61 shooting incidents last year, up from 36 the previous year. The 29 bombings were 23 fewer than previously.

Recently four people were shot in staunchly republican west Belfast within a month. Police said there was an intention by some to “exercise control”.

The total of overall crimes in Northern Ireland has dropped to numbers last seen in 1998, the year of the Good Friday Agreement, in line with international trends

The number of casualties resulting from paramilitary-style assaults in the financial year 2016/17 also showed an increase on the previous year from 58 to 66 and continues an upward trend evident since 2012/13.

Loyalists were deemed responsible for 56 of these casualties, with the remaining 10 attributed to republicans.

There were 137 people arrested using terrorism powers, 12 fewer than the previous year. The number subsequently charged rose by one to 19.

The total of overall crimes in Northern Ireland has dropped to numbers last seen in 1998, the year of the Good Friday Agreement, in line with international trends.

Crime has been falling steadily since the mid-1990s across the UK.

Most calls for help now involve public safety and welfare, a senior PSNI officer said. Only 16 per cent of public demands were linked to crime last year. However, the number of recorded sexual offences rose by 4 per cent from 3,037 in 2015/16 to 3,158 offences in 2016/17, police said.

“While this rate of increase is less than that seen in the previous three years, the 2016/17 figure is the highest level recorded since 1998/99,” deputy chief constable Harris.

In 2016/17, there were 98,076 crimes recorded by the PSNI, a drop of 6.6 per cent, 105,023 crimes, on the previous year and the lowest number recorded since the financial year 1998/99.