Parents convicted of child cruelty may not be sentenced until October

Father found guilty in May of nine counts of raping son from age six at Waterford home

A father and mother convicted of child cruelty are unlikely to be sentenced before October, a court has heard.

The pair were found guilty last May after a seven-week trial which heard dozens of allegations of horrific sexual abuse against their young son.

A jury at the Central Criminal Court convicted the father (64), who is from the UK, of nine counts of raping his son from the age of six years old and child cruelty. He was acquitted of raping the child with a poker.

The woman (38), who is also from the UK, was convicted of child cruelty but found not guilty of sex assault relating to allegations she had sex or simulated sex with her child when he was between six and seven.


Both parents had pleaded not guilty to the offences which occurred between 2009 and 2011 in their Waterford home. The parents had originally faced 82 charges, but 60 of these were withdrawn following legal argument.

The mother was originally due to be sentenced yesterday at the Central Criminal Court. However, Mr Justice Robert Eagar was told that a psychological report on her was not ready yet.

The father was due to be sentenced next week but this will be delayed as a psychological report detailing the effects of the abuse on the child will also not be ready.

Mr Justice Eagar agreed to adjourn both matters to July 26th. He said he would deal with the two accused in separate hearings and that he would likely not impose a final sentence before October.

The woman was present in court for the short hearing but not her husband. Both are currently in custody.