Probation for man who emptied colostomy bag over wife’s head

Actions of Samuel Victor Hislop (62), from Belfast, described as ‘nasty’ by judge

Laganside Crown Court. File image: Google Street View

A Belfast man threw his partner down a flight of stairs before emptying the contents of his colostomy bag over her, a court has heard.

Samuel Victor Hislop (62), was given two years probation for an attack described by the judge as "nasty".

Hislop, a school car park attendant from Daphne Street in the city, pleaded guilty to a charge of common assault.

Belfast Magistrates’ Court heard the victim had gone to bed while he continued drinking at their home on January 19th this year.


A prosecution lawyer said: “She stated the defendant became abusive towards her, threw her down the stairs and punched her on the cheek.

“The contents of a colostomy bag were thrown in her face and hair.”

Police called to the scene observed a mark on the woman’s cheek and lump to the back of her head. She told officers that she had lifted a bottle to defend herself because of her fear.

During interviews, Hislop claimed to have no memory of the incident.

Defence solicitor Pat Kelly acknowledged it had been a “highly unpleasant” episode.

“This is simply appalling and he (Hislop) would accept that,” Mr Kelly said.

District Judge Fiona Bagnall was told the defendant abuses alcohol as part of a volatile relationship with the victim. But according to Mr Kelly, the couple intend to reconcile.

He also disclosed that Hislop works at a school in the south Belfast area.

Imposing two years probation, Judge Bagnall said: “This is a nasty incident, but he is to be credited for entering a plea at the outset.”