Psychiatrist who bit gardaí to be sentenced next month

Consultant employed by HSE in Limerick had to be restrained before arrest

When Seamus Ó Flaithbheartaigh appeared before Limerick District Court earlier this month his solicitor said the psychiatrist would not be contesting the charges. Photograph: Frank Miller

A consultant psychiatrist employed by the HSE who bit two gardaí and a bar worker after he was arrested following a night out socialising in Limerick is to be sentenced next month.

Seamus Ó Flaithbheartaigh (51), from Castlemara, Annacotty, who is employed by the HSE in Limerick, had to be restrained before gardaí arrested him on Denmark Street on July 7th last. He is charged with assaulting Garda James Rigney contrary to section 2 of the Non-Fatal Offences Against the Persons Act. He is also charged with assaulting Garda Margaret O’Brien, a peace officer carrying out her duty, being drunk in a public place contrary to section 4 of the Public Order Act and assaulting Trevor Guidera contrary to section 2 of the Non-Fatal Offences Against the Persons Act.

When he appeared before Limerick District Court earlier this month his solicitor, Darach McCarthy, said his client would not be contesting the charges. Yesterday when the case was called before the court, Mr McCarthy asked that the matter be adjourned for mitigation and sentencing until April 11th next.