Regency Hotel shooting labelled a ‘barbaric act’

‘That children were put in harm’s way shows the callous disregard for human life’

A garda stands at the cordon sealing off the Regency Airport Hotel in Dublin on the evening of February 5th, 2016 following a fatal shooting. Photograph: Caroline Quinn/AFP/Getty Images

Taoiseach Enda Kenny has described the Regency Hotel shooting in Dublin during a boxing weigh-in “as an extreme case” of criminal activity.

“This is a very serious matter. There is a full-scale murder hunt going on here, a full-scale murder investigation and we hope that the gardaí, with the evidence from those who were in the weigh-in section, will be able to bring those [involved] to justice.

“Part of the response of Government has been to provide the best funding we can to date of the gardaí to do their job.

“The interpretation here is that this is the work of rival criminal gangs in the Dublin area. This is an extreme case of criminal activity.”


Minister for Justice Frances Fitzgerald described the shooting as an horrific event and an extreme crime.

‘Horrific event’

“I have spoken to the Garda Commissioner and An Garda Síochána are investigating this horrific event. Obviously it is extremely traumatic for everyone present, including children.”

Tánaiste Joan Burton said she had spoken to Ms Fitzgerald about the events at the Regency Hotel.

“My first thoughts are with the family of the victim, and with those injured and caught up in the attack, including hotel staff.

“This was a barbaric act, and the fact that children were also put in harm’s way shows what callous disregard the perpetrators have for human life.

“While the full details are still emerging, I know the Garda Síochána will do everything in their power to bring the perpetrators to justice.”

‘Deeply disturbing’

Fianna Fáil justice spokesman Niall Collins called the murder “deeply disturbing”.

“The brazen nature of the shooting that took place today is extremely worrying and demonstrates the blatant disregard these ruthless criminals have for human life.”