SDLP politician John Dallat attacked by loyalist mob

Shocked MLA surrounded in town of Kilrea says crowd ‘braying, I suppose with hatred’

John Dallat: “One of the bands was carrying a UVF banner and many would have links to loyalist paramilitaries.”

SDLP MLA John Dallat says he is in a state of shock after his car was attacked in Co Derry.

The East Derry politician called the police on Friday evening after he claims a group of up to 20 people, who had been watching a loyalist band parade in Kilrea, recognised him as an SDLP politician.

“Still in a state of shock today after car surrounded by loyalists in Kilrea last night. Thanks to PSNI who came to my aid after 999 call,” he wrote on Twitter on Saturday.

Mr Dallat told The Irish Times he had been picking up a takeaway meal in Kilrea on Friday at about 8.30pm when 15 to 20 men and women surrounded his car.


He says they were taking mobile phone photographs of him and the car registration and battering the vehicle’s windows.

“They were braying, I suppose with hatred,” he said.

“They probably resented I was in the town ‘spying on their parade’, but I was just picking up a meal.

“After about 15 or 20 minutes I called the police to assist me out of the town.

“I am grateful to them for that because these people had created a highly volatile situation.”

Out of control

Mr Dallat, who spoke of Kilrea having a long record of respecting diversity, said he was concerned the situation could have spiralled out of control and that he will be contacting the Parade’s Commission about the matter.

“It was a loyalist parade by Boveedy Flute Band as distinct to an Orange parade.

“One of the bands was carrying a UVF banner and many would have links to loyalist paramilitaries.

“They have no links with Kilrea which is an 80 to 90 per cent nationalist town.

“Those who did that last night have done no favours to the organisers.

“There will have to serious discussions before this parade would get the nod next year.”

The PSNI said: “Police received reports of a concern for safety from a 70-year-old male at 8:50pm on Friday, June 16th, in the Main Street area of Kilrea. Police were in the vicinity at the time due to a band parade taking place and were able to assist in resolving the incident.”