Slane memorial crosses destroyed by vandals

Commemorative crosses to those who lost their lives in road tragedies

Slane Bridge: A total of 23 white crosses were erected in memory of all those who have been killed at the incident blackspot.

Almost half of the commemorative crosses erected to those who lost their lives in road tragedies at Slane bridge in Co Meath have been destroyed by vandals.

Eleven of the memorials were smashed beyond repair and two of the crosses were turned upside down in the "apparent act of vandalism" which has "distressed and appalled" the Bypass Slane Campaign group.

A total of 23 white crosses were erected in memory of all those who have been killed at the incident blackspot.

Bypass Slane Campaign group PRO Michele Power said: "We cannot understand the blatant lack of respect for those who have tragically lost their lives in our village.


“Slane gardaí have been notified and we urge anyone who witnessed anything unusual in the area between Monday and Tuesday evening to report it to gardaí.”

Slane gardaí are investigating the incident and can be contacted on 041-9824202 or 046 9079930.