Some drivers prosecuted over NCTs despite paying fines -

Garda announce review of all fixed charge offences after discovery of error

Some motorists without NCT certificates were wrongly prosecuted after having already paid fixed charge penalties, gardai have said.

Some motorists without NCT certificates were wrongly prosecuted after having already paid fixed charge penalties, gardai have said.

An Gardai Síochána is to establish a review after it emerged that drivers have been prosecuted for having no NCT certificate when a fixed charge notice had already been issued and paid.

Driving without a valid NCT certificate became an offence attracting up to three penalty points in 2014.

Gardaí are to examine prosecutions over all fixed charge offences following the discovery.


The review has been launched to establish the extent of the problem and prevent further incorrect prosecutions.

District officers have been directed to withdraw prosecutions as cases with the same issue come before the courts.

Gardaí were unable to clarify how many years of prosecutions will now be reviewed and how many wrongful offences involved was also not immediately available.

An Garda Síochána said any inconvenience caused by the issue is regretted and any person affected will be notified by An Garda Síochána in writing.

A Garda spokesman would not confirm how many years of prosecutions will now be reviewed and how many wrongful offences involved.