Three men arrested as gardaí target dissident republicans

Men aged in their 40s and 50s detained in midlands area and being held in Dublin

Deputy Garda Commissioner John Twomey said: “All of An Garda Síochána’s specialist units whose responsibility it is to protect the security of the State continued to be fully resourced and active keeping people safe at this time.” File photograph: Frank Miller

Three men have been arrested by gardaí targeting dissident republicanism.

Two are aged in their 40s and one in his 50s.

They were detained in the midlands area and are being held in Dublin.

The Special Detective Unit was supported by the Emergency Response Unit and other national units during the arrest operation.


It remains a live operation and further searches are being carried out by the Special Detective Unit supported by the Divisional Search team and the Garda Dog Unit.

Deputy Commissioner John Twomey, Policing and Security, said: "This ongoing operation demonstrates An Garda Síochána determination to ensure the security of our State, in the midst of the ongoing critical Covid-19 situation.

“All of An Garda Síochána’s specialist units whose responsibility it is to protect the security of the State continued to be fully resourced and active keeping people safe at this time.” – PA